I'm Not A F$$$$$G Brand, I Am An Imperfect Woman

When I began writing this blog, I had never read a blog before…. EVER.
It wasn’t part of some bigger smartass strategy or anything like that, I was just plain dumb about the whole social media thing.
So, imagine my shock when I found out other blogs were usually about ONE subject.
And if these blogs was penned by a female, specifically an old gal like me, the blog was about ageing with style and looking fabulous with silver hair and a great house with a rich husband and of course the blogger was already retired from her pediatric neurosurgeon/modelling career.
Fifty and Fabulous, Over Sixty and Sublime, Still Sporty at Forty etc.
Unbeknownst to me, these SMART women were branding themselves.
PERSONAL BRANDING is essentially the ongoing process of establishing a prescribed image or impression in the mind of others about an individual, group or organization.
Branding their way to success.
And these women are successful bloggers……and me, well I am not exactly blowing the top off this medium, you know what I am saying?
So I thought it might be prudent to start reading these blogs, especially, paying a lot of attention to fashion blogs.
Why Fashion?
It used to be my career.
And I am here to tell you most of these fashion women don’t know shit from shinola. Versace from Vera Wang. But they don’t care because they have confidence.
They believe in themselves.
They have balls.
I don’t.
I cannot pitch and I am an even worse catcher.
But I know when I am right.
Yesterday, I posted a blog about illegal products being sold in a major grocery store just blocks from where I live.
I just wanted to give my readers a taste…..an h’or doeuvre, an appetizer and not the whole goddamn meal in this post. Just the same way the brand bloggers operate. So I showed photos of products and wrote only 146 words.
Well, I got clobbered.

Below is a boxing match which took place on Facebook in the comment section after I “published’ my article.
David Capizzano None of these are illegal and this borders on racist. Get your shit together Robyn.

Mackenzie Bowles regardless of what my mother says on social media don`t ever tell her to ‘get her shit together’. If you truly wish to be wholly pedagogical and don’t get off on publicly shaming people then send her a polite private message stating why you think this article might be misguided. thank you.

David Capizzano I’m sorry but I didn’t realize leave in conditioner was illegal and running rampant.

Mackenzie Bowles I’m sorry you misunderstood my comment. If you have issues with my mother’s article and the facts therein PM her and state which particular points you find to be libelous. To be honest none of this would really be that offensive if you didn’t tell her to ‘get her shit together’. No one needs to be told that. Especially in public.
Mackenzie Bowles is my son and champion of this war of words, not to mention champion where manners, empathy, intelligence, kindness and humanity are concerned.
My comment is below.
Robyn Bowles All products in Canada need to be labelled in English first then in French….if a product is not labelled this way it has not been imported legally. Other languages can appear on the label but not before English. I am horrified that a man of your intelligence is this IGNORANT on the subject…….do you have any idea how much this is costing Hamilton taxpayers? By allowing Nations to continue this shameful practice, we are continuing the cycle of oppression……in short, Nations= The Black Market.
I have never had my shit together, ever.
I don’t even know what that kind of talk means other than just wanting to be mean to another person.
Next, this pie hit my face.
Don’t you have anything better to do you fucking retard. God bless.
I was truly mortified.
On Monday, I was expecting a cheque from my father’s estate for 6000 dollars and found out that these monies will never be issued…….not in my lifetime, anyway.
I have double dipped at Money Mart and Cash Money for the third month in a row in order to try to meet my financial obligations.
I still owe November’s rent.
I cannot make my minimum credit card payment for this month.
I have been taking care of my bipolar brother for almost 5 years now while dealing with my own chronic depression.
So, I guess  I don’t have my shit together……and YES I just happen to be a bit of a financial retard these days.
I know I shouldn’t tell the truth about my life in this blog, the truth doesn’t make for good branding.
But I have chosen to honor my truth in this blog.
And I am here to tell you my own personal branding doesn’t amount to a hill of beans in this world.
But those f$$$$$g illegal brands running rampant on the shelves at “NATIONS FRESHFOODS” is a huge financial drain on the downtown core of this already impoverished city.
And you can take that to the bank
our Federal MP……which has been the plan all along.
Stay tuned, and next time, we shall have the conversation I have been dying to have about the labelling laws that govern this land…….it will be riveting.
I promise.
You have my word.
